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Nov 5, 2011

A TRibute To My Friends

Very rarely do you get the luxury of meeting really amazing people that remain your friend for several years. I have not only the MOST physically beautiful friends, but they are even more beautiful on the inside.  Extremely intelligent, hilarious, soulful, confident, talented and so much fun. A tribute to my dolls 
Sonya Pead

 Paula Miranda

 Lisa Marie Iannitelli

 Nikoletta Sedlakova

 Lesley Lewis

Binkie Reevey

Kim Bowen

Tammy Brook

 Sarah Rosete

 Dena Pitter

 Jo Baker

 Nicole Tait

Danielle Miranda

GOD BLESS Canada, Guyana, Lebanon, France, Jamaica, Italy, Puerto Rico, Mexico, England, Africa, Philippines, Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic, America, and Israel